Akron Central Schools

Dedicated to excellence in education

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    Our Mission

    The mission of the Akron Central School District, a learning-centered community dedicated to the dreams of our students, is to ensure that each student realizes his or her unique human potential and contributes positively to society, through a system characterized by: 
    • Valuing the unique gifts and dreams of each person
    • Developing all dimensions of each human being
    • Advancing the knowledge, skills, and wisdom of each student
    • Nurturing and respecting the dignity of each human being
    • Cooperatively working to continuously create new realities
  • Akron Central School District acknowledges that we gather on the traditional lands of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation. We honor the contributions of the Indigenous peoples past, present, and future with gratitude for the land as we continue to work together with a spirit of respect and understanding.