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Akron Central Schools
Dedicated to excellence in education
About the District
COVID-19 Response
Family Support Center
Akron-Newstead Community Events
About Akron-Newstead
Akron Alumni Association
Akron PTA
Akron School Employee Federal Credit Union
Community Education
Community Use of Facilities
Business Office
Central Registrar
Curriculum & Instruction
Family & Student Support
Food Services
Health Office
Instructional Technology
Instructional Coaching
Law Enforcement Resources
Records Management
Special Education Services
High School
Akron HS
HS Guidance Office
Middle School
Akron Middle School
Middle School Guidance & Counseling
Akron Elementary School
Elementary Counselor
Destiny On-Line Catalogue
Elementary Library Media Center
HS Library Media Center
MS Library Media Center
Athletic Teams
Fall - Cross Country
Fall - Field Hockey
Fall - Football
Fall - Golf
Fall - Soccer
Fall - Volleyball
Spring - Baseball
Spring - Flag Football
Spring - Lacrosse
Spring - Softball
Spring - Tennis
Spring - Track
Spring - Unified Basketball
Winter - Basketball
Winter - Swimming
Winter - Unified Bowling
Winter - Wrestling
Music Department
Middle School Music Department
Elementary Music Department
Royalty Free Resources
SchoolWires Demo Site
Teacher and Staff Resources
Accessibility Training
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Labs & Library
Facilities Calendars
OISS Departments
Native American Office
Elementary Native American Liaison
School Psychology Services
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Physical Therapy
Math Support
Reading Support
Student Services
Web Sites - Elementary
4 - Miss Vieaux for Mrs. Jackson
4 - Mrs. Williams
5 - Mrs. DuPont
5 - Miss Gaik
5 - Mrs. Guevara
5 - Mrs. Srour/Miss Bargnesi
5 - Mrs. Tagliarino
AIS - Mrs. Corser
Special Education Gr. K, 1, 2 - Miss Foster
Special Education Gr. 3, 4, 5 - Miss Orffeo
KDG - Mrs. Chunco/Mrs. Klodzinski
KDG - Miss Drum
KDG - Mrs. Logan-Bruce
KDG - Mrs. Chubb for Mrs. Schulz
KDG - Mrs. Warren/Miss Filion
UPK - Mrs. Howell
UPK - Miss Stoeckl
Reading Support - Mrs. Burtis, Ms. Daigler, Mrs. Nieman
Specials - Art
Specials - Computer
Specials - Music
Specials - Native Studies
Specials - Physical Education
4 - blank to move up Grade 4
4 - TBA/Mrs. Blochwitz
1 - Mrs. Junke
1 - Miss Knapp
1 - Mrs. Mathews/Mrs. Heiderman
1 - Mrs. Stanley
1 - Mrs. Stachowiak
2 - Mrs. Bellis/Mrs. Bates
2 - Mrs. Coppola
2 - Mrs. Martino
2 - Mrs. Samolis
3 - Mrs. Boeing/Mrs. Greiner
3 - Ms. Lamont/Mrs. Greiner
3 - Ms. Matusek
3 - Mrs. Janine Detine
4 - Mr. Bellis/Mrs. Blochwitz
4 - Mrs. Kneis
Web Sites - HS
Math - Mr. McHale-Skrzynski
Math - Mrs. Stuber
Math - Miss Polanski
Music - Instrumental & Vocal
Phys. Ed. - Mrs. Bennett/Mr. Carberry
Science - Mr. Collins
Science - Mr. Meek
Science - Mr. Ritchie
Science - Mrs. Chase
Science - Mrs. Johnson
Sp. Ed. - Mrs. Blackley
Sp. Ed. - Mrs. Mongiovi
Sp. Ed./English - Mrs. Abrams
Sp. Ed./Science- Mrs. Howland
Sp. Ed./SS - Mr. Scorsone
SS - Mrs. Burns-Heim
SS - Mr. Cronin
SS - Mr. Meli
SS - Mr. Pfohl
Technology - Mr. Clouse
Technology - Mr. Dobrick
Sp. Ed./SS & Eng. 11 - Mr. Hickey
SS - Discussion Page
SS - Mrs. Palmer
Art - Mrs. Cornell-Slater
Business - Mrs. Saeli
English - Mr. Baumgarten
English - Mrs. Kiss
English - Mrs. Swader
English - Ms. Hart
Health - Mrs. Garippo
Language / Seneca - Mr. Logan
Language / Spanish - Mrs. Heimiller
Language / Spanish - Mrs. Quinones
Learning Center - Miss Salim & Mr. Ilardi
Literacy - Mrs. Falls
Math - Dr. Diletti
Math - Mr. Chubb
Web Sites - MS
8th Grade Math - Mrs. Russell
8th Grade Science - Mrs. Muscarella
8th Grade Spanish - Mrs. Bergman
8th Grade SS - Mr. Brege
Health - Mrs. Papia
Lang/Seneca - Mr. Logan
Learning Center - Mrs. Brown
Literacy - Mrs. Kenyon
Math AIS - Mrs. Hooper
Music - MS Instrumental & Vocal
Special Education - Mrs. Alexander
Special Education - Mrs. Blackley
Special Education - Mrs. Mongiovi
Special Education - Mrs. Cramer
Special Education - Ms. Herrington
Special Education English - Mrs. Matusek
Specials/Art - Mrs. Smith
Specials/Phys. Ed - Mr. Stellrecht & Miss Lucarelli
Specials/Technology - Mrs. O'Malley
Specials/Technology - Mr. Dobrick
7th Grade HOMEWORK
8th Grade HOMEWORK
Special Education Math - Mrs. Heiderman
Specials/Home & Careers - Mrs.Hartman
6th Grade HOMEWORK
6th Grade Science - Mrs. Chunco
6th Grade Science - Miss Lobur
6th Grade ELA - Mrs. Kieffer
6th Grade ELA - Mrs. Magera
6th Grade Math - Mrs. Guyton
6th Grade Math H - Mr. Merlo
6th Grade SS - Mrs. Cochrane
7th Grade ELA - Mrs. Madore
7th Grade Math - Mrs. Baker
7th Grade Math - Mrs. Russell
7th Grade Math - Mr. Merlo
7th Grade Science - Mrs. Class
7th Grade Spanish - Mrs. Demmin
7th Grade SS - Mr.Gerstung
8th Grade ELA - Mr. Parks
8th Grade Math - Mrs. Baker
Akron Central Schools
Contact Information
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2 - Mrs. Bellis/Mrs. Bates
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Contact Information
Feel free to contact us at school with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your child. We look forward to working with you this school year!
Mrs. Julie Bellis
phone: 542-5050 ext. 3228
Mrs. Lisa Bates
phone: 542-5050 ext. 3227