- Akron Central Schools
- Character Education
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We are happy to announce that students at Akron Elementary will, once again, have the opportunity to be rewarded for displaying acts of character!
To reinforce the idea of being "Bucket Fillers"--and in keeping with our music-related Reading Theme for the year--each time a student is recognized for demonstrating an act of character, he/she receives a "CHARACTER NOTE" to complete. This card is filled out with their name, grade/teacher and what they did to demonstrate their being a "Bucket Filler." The card is then deposited into a mailbox housed in the Main Office, and is eventually added to a giant bucket displayed in the hallway, so that all can see the many acts of character taking place at Akron Elementary!Occasionally, specific acts of character will be read over the morning announcements as examples of how our students are being "Bucket Fillers." And again this year... once (and every time!) our giant bucket has been filled, Principal Esposito and Assistant Principal Kos will treat the WHOLE school to a special surprise! So the more Character Notes we earn, the quicker our bucket is filled, and the more surprises we'll receive!We're "filling" Akron Elementary with "Note"able Character!