Resource Room is a supportive class that will focus on tasks and skills that need reinforcement in specific content areas.

     Resource Room is not a study hall!!

     Students are expected to complete homework at home!!

    Specific skills and tasks will be reviewed as needed in resource room.


     Types of Resource Room Activities

    •   Pre and/or re-teaching of skills/concepts presented in classes
    •  Additional explanations/directions for assignments presented in classes
    • Time to ask questions concerning academic vocabulary or assignments
    • Textbook reading/discussion
    • Studying for tests; developing test-taking strategies
    • Study Skills Strategies
    • Time management skills/ Prioritizing
    • Organizational assistance (notebooks, locker, backpack)
    • Remediation of basic skills in reading, writing, or math 



    Materials Needed Every Day:


    ·        Pencil/pen

    ·        Paper

    ·        Notebooks/Folders with assignments

    ·        Student Agenda filled out with assignments and any projects or studies that need to be completed


    Classroom Behavior:

    ·      Act Responsibly/ Maintain Safety/Show Respect 
     <img uh_hi"="" id="rg_hi" alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9f9-iGlMvjvL7e_Uei4vqvfnBp_55xRqcCGeBRU_-PsmGIZPj:school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/hands-up-color.gif" data-height="228" data-width="221" height="228" width="221" style="width: 221px; height: 228px;" />