• Coaches:


    The NYS concussion law went into effect on July 1, 2012.  It is important that you read about the requirements in the following links:


    As a coach, you have two main responsibilities:


    1.  All coaches must click on the link below and complete the concussion training.  Click ORDER COURSE to proceed.  Please print the certificate for verification.  You must complete this before your season begins. 

    2.  You must follow the requirements below for removing an athlete from play:


    Removal from athletics:

    ·         Require the immediate removal from athletic activities of any pupil that has or is believed to have sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.


    ·         No pupils will be allowed to resume athletic activity until they have been symptom free for 24 hours and have been evaluated by and received written and signed authorization from a licensed physician. For interscholastic athletics, clearance must come from the school medical director.


    ·         Such authorization must be kept in the pupil’s permanent health record.


    ·         Schools shall follow directives issued by the pupil’s treating physician.
    Any questions should be directed to the Athletic Director, at (716)542-5088.