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Special Education - Mrs. Mongiovi
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The following websites can be used for additional practice and review.You can always stay 9th Period for help if you need more assistance!General ReviewNavigate the site to watch videos, take quizzes, and learn about a variety of topics.
Math Practice
Practice your multiplication facts.Work on finding the Greatest Common Factor.Figure out the Least Common Multiple.Practice your division facts.Practice one and two-step equations and the distributive property.Play math baseball and work on all four operations.Science Review
View and interact with different science experiments.Practice using the Triple Beam Balance.Take a lab safety quiz!English Practice
Practice your grammar and reading skills.Use interactive examples to develop your grammar skills.Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.Select the correct root word from given examples and figure out its' meaning.Vocabulary:
Try your best to select the correct definition for the word given.Further your vocabulary and help others at the same time!!(For each answer you get correct, ten grains of rice are donated to the World Food Program to end world hunger!)Writing:Better your writing by learning how to debate, write advertisements, letters and newspaper articles, just to name a few!Select the Writing Games tab and use different prompts and techniques to practice your skills!Spelling:
Enter in spelling or vocabulary words to practice.Social Studies Resources
News articles of current events for kids.Explore the world of the past!