- Akron Central Schools
- US History 11
Special Education - Mrs. Mongiovi
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Welcome to Mrs. Mongiovi's US History 11 Page!
In US History this year we will be learning about US History from colonial times up to the present day.
We will cover topics including colonialism, constitutional foundations, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
We will continue with industrialization, world wars, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Era.
Throughout this course we will practice our ability to analyze sources, develop constructed responses to documents and questions, and write a Civic Literacy essay.
These skills will be practiced throughout the entirety of the course.
This course ends with a Regents exam which will take place in June.
Review classes will be held following Spring Break. Stay tuned for more details when the time comes!
All grades and assignments will be posted in Schoology and updated regularly. If you see a discrepancy, please let me know!
Consistent review and practice is important to ensure recall. Use the links posted in Schoology to study daily.