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College Applications
Once you've decided where you'd like to apply, you can go to most schools' web sites and either apply online or download a paper copy of the application.
The two sites listed below can be used to apply to a number of colleges and universities. The advantage of a mega-application site is that you enter your basic information once and the software then automatically places your data in all of your applications, while following the format required by each school. This can save you a lot of time. Choose the following based upon which one includes applications for the largest number of your schools. Remember, it's the content of your application rather than the format that results in an acceptance.
The Common Application
An online or downloadable application accepted by 255 colleges and universities. Make certain you also complete the "supplement" that is required by many of the schools that use the Common Application.
SUNY ApplicationIf you are applying to SUNY, there is one application for all colleges within the SUNY system. If you are applying to community colleges, apply directly on specific college websites to avoid application fees.