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Elementary Music Department
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- Fourth Grade Band Songs
- Fifth Grade Band Songs
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- Membership: Membership in the Band and Orchestra will be determined by the director. A student will be placed in a performing group when he/she demonstrates the musical skills needed to be successful in the group. Consistent practice time is another factor that will be taken into consideration. The Advanced Band will be comprised of mostly fifth graders, while the Beginning Band will be available to those students who started lessons this past summer or fall. Fourth and Fifth grade String students will be eligible for the String Orchestra.
- Rehearsal Schedule: The Advanced Band will start in September and practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after-school. The Orchestra will rehearse on "F Day" from 1:50 until 2:30, (and on Wednesdays after-school until January). Beginning Band will meet once a week after-school, on Wednesdays starting in January. Rehearsal attendance is MANDATORY. If a student is present in school and misses a rehearsal, a note from the parent must be provided. Students will not be allowed to play in the concert if too many rehearsals are missed. A separate letter will be sent home with additional information when your child is selected to participate.
- Attendance: In the event that it is impossible for your child to perform in a concert, please notify me in writing at least one week before the performance. In the event of a last minute emergency, please call me at school or at home. An unexcused absence will result in a lowered grade. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in this matter, as no group performs as well without all its members present.
- Concert Dress: Please have your young musician dress nicely. Girls should wear a dress or skirt; and boys should wear nice pants and a dress shirt. I would prefer that no one wears jeans or sneakers.
- Concert Dates:
Fifth Grade Band: TBA
Fourth Grade Beginning Band: TBA
Orchestra: TBA
- Membership: Membership in the Band and Orchestra will be determined by the director. A student will be placed in a performing group when he/she demonstrates the musical skills needed to be successful in the group. Consistent practice time is another factor that will be taken into consideration. The Advanced Band will be comprised of mostly fifth graders, while the Beginning Band will be available to those students who started lessons this past summer or fall. Fourth and Fifth grade String students will be eligible for the String Orchestra.