•   violin              clarinet           Tuba        drums
     Music Lessons    

      A.  Scheduling:  Each student receives one 20-30 minute lesson per cycle in a class of 3-5 students.  He is responsible for making up any missed work in his classroom.
      B.  Grading:  Weekly lesson marks are given based on your child's practice time and lesson performance.Your child's grades will be recorded weekly on his practice sheet.
      C.  Practice Sheets:  Minimum practice time required is 15 minutes daily or a total of 120 minutes per cycle.  I highly recommend a 30-minute daily practice session.  Time missed one day may be made up on another day. However, consistent daily practice produces the best results.  It is recommended that you establish a set time and place in your home for your child to practice.  Each student has received a practice sheet which has been stapled into his book.  Your child should record his practice time daily on the sheet.  At the end of the week, the practice sheet must be signed by either parent.  In case of illness, just write sick in place of practice. Grades will be given as follows based on total practice time:  4=180 or more minutes, 3=150-179 minutes, 2=120-149 minutes, and 1= less than 120 minutes. Students may earn prizes for consistent high practice totals! A grade will also be given for your child's performance at lessons.
      D.  Private Lessons:  Since your child receives a group lesson, it is not always possible to meet his individual needs.  If you feel your child needs extra attention or that he is not being challenged enough,  please contact me for a list of private teachers.  Private lessons are a meaningful opportunity for your child to receive instruction on an individualized basis and to excel in performance ability.