- Akron Central Schools
- Board of Education
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The Akron Board of Education welcomes district residents, faculty members, students and any other interested persons to its meetings. Your presence indicates your concern for our schools and the children of this district. Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all visitors to the school building are required to wear a face mask at all times.It is the goal of the Akron Board of Education for the school district and community to work together to provide a quality educational program for our students. Community involvement at Board meetings is encouraged so the Board can better understand and represent the views of its constituents.
The Board is the official policy-making body of the school district. It consists of seven community residents elected by voters to serve three-year terms. Board members are not paid for their work. Anyone can run for a seat on the Board providing they file a petition with at least 25 names of qualified voters residing in the district. Elections are held in May of each year.
Qualifications: Must be able to read and write, must be a qualified voter of the district, must be a citizen of the United States, must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.Policies set by the Board are carried out by the Superintendent of Schools, Mrs. Andrea S. Kersten. The superintendent is a professional educator hired by the Board of Education. He acts as an advisor, informing the Board of the needs, programs, and progress of the school district. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the district responsible for the execution of all School Board decisions regarding the operation of the district.
The primary function of the Board is to provide students with a quality educational program consistent with the views of the Akron-Newstead community and the standards set by the NYS Board of Regents.AGENDA
Akron Schools recently instituted the use of BoardDocs for facilitating their board meetings, providing meeting agendas and other documents as well as meeting minutes. The agenda for each meeting is available to community residents via the BoardDocs link from the school website prior to the meetings and at the meeting itself held in room H190 or other specified venue Akron Schools.PROCEDURE FOR VIDEO CONFERENCING
Please click here for Procedures for Member Videoconferencing Pursuant to Public Officers LawVISITORS COMMENTS
An opportunity is provided at each board meeting for residents to address the Board with questions, concerns, or suggestions. The Board welcomes community member comment at the meeting.The public comment session is intended for comment, not for question and answer. Community members may share their concerns or thoughts with the Board.
Those wishing to speak must complete a pink comment card available at the meeting venue; individuals are allowed to speak once and should limit comments to 3 minutes out of respect for the others in attendance at the meeting.
Individuals who have submitted a comment card will be given a turn and should be prepared to approach the podium, and state their name and address for the record. If the speaker is representing an organization, the name of the organization should also be identified. Speakers are expected to maintain a respectful demeanor and tone with their comments. Comments are to be directed to the Board members and not others in the audience.
It is asked that speakers not identify individual staff members or students by name for critical comment. These matters should be directed to the Superintendent outside of this meeting during school business hours.
In the interest of civility and respect of different points of view, attendees should not applaud nor boo speakers. The Board will listen to all public comment but it should not be expected that the Board will respond. The Superintendent may respond or individuals will be asked to submit questions in writing so that the Board can offer a response at a later time.We sincerely appreciate your interest in our school and hope to see you at future School Board Meetings.