October 20, 2023 Update

Dear Community Members,


At our recent planning meeting, there were significant discussions around budget adjustments and cost modifications. Notably, the estimates for our Middle School, High School, and Elementary projects have seen a favorable reduction. However, the Transportation estimate witnessed an increase. We're currently 3.5 percent over the stipulated budget at the 60% phase, but we view this as a positive step forward. At this phase of the project, it is ideal to be no more than 5 percent over or under the identified budget.


In the context of capital projects, "Add Alternates" and "Deduct Alternates" are strategic components of the bidding and project planning process. "Add Alternates" refers to elements or features that are not part of the base project but can be added if the project bids come in under budget or if additional funds become available. These are enhancements or additional items that the District would like to consider if the financial situation allows. On the other hand, "Deduct Alternates" are pre-defined potential cost-saving changes or reductions in the scope of work. If bids come in over budget, these "Deduct Alternates" can be implemented to reduce the project cost, ensuring that the project stays within its budgetary constraints. In essence, these alternates provide the District some flexibility allowing us to adjust the project's scope and cost based on actual bids and changing financial circumstances.


At our meeting, there were deliberations about the Add/Deduct alternates. The Add Alternates, totaling $2.8M include House Lights and safety enhancements in our Auditorium priced at $303k and Gym 2 and 3 Lights at $292k. On the other hand, the Deduct Alternates include considerations like reducing some existing transportation roofing after learning the current roof is still under warranty.  This would save around $143k. It was also recommended to reassess and potentially shift certain items from the Add Alternates list to the Deduct Alternates.


There were also specific adjustments discussed for our sites and infrastructure. One highlight was the decision to address the elevation change in the bus garage internally, which would involve creating a 2 ft internal ramp. This change would lead to minor modifications in the bathroom area. Furthermore, an idea was put forward to expand storage at the narrow end of the breakroom.


On the branding front, there's a lot of excitement. We discussed the possibility of incorporating a historical touch to our wall wrap by including a timeline, images, and a quote sourced from the historical society. To make this vision a reality, we're considering a direct collaboration between the Newstead Historical Society and the wall wrap vendor. Additionally, we are continuing to consider a refresh of our athletic logo, with a flexible 4-month window for any desired adjustments. This process would include high levels of community involvement.


Thank you to our Akron Community and Capital Improvement Project Committee for their continuous commitment, invaluable feedback, and support in making this project a success.




Andrea S. Kersten
Interim Superintendent